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Step 4: Organizing the Lexical Model Files

Use one lexical model per folder

Create a Git branch

When working with several lexical models at the same time, separate each lexical model on different Git branches. We recommend naming each branch with the lexical model name. From the Git Bash command prompt, we create and checkout a Git branch named after the English MTNT nrc.en.mtnt.

cd /c/projects/lexical-models
git checkout -b nrc.en.mtnt master

One Lexical Model in a Package

Unlike keyboard packages which can contain several keyboards, only include one lexical model per lexical model package.

A Single Lexical Model Folder

In your lexical-models folder on your hard drive, use Keyman Developer to create the project folder for your lexical model. In this example, the folder will be


Your lexical model needs to be in the "release" folder according to the author/group name because this matches the layout of the full lexical-models repo.

Now that we've created a folder for our lexical model, we will create our lexical model source files.

Include these files

The following files should be included for your lexical model in the source folder. Some lexical models may have additional source files:

<lexical model>.model.ts
The lexical model source file.
The wordlist used for your lexical model.
<lexical model>.kps
The package source file. See the Keyman Developer reference for what to include within the package source file. Remember that when you reference any built files within the package, make sure you reference them from your build folder.
Documentation files
Any files you reference in the package source .kps file, such as documentation, should be included in the source folder.

Do not include these files

The following files should not be included because they are generated at build time:

<lexical model>.js
The compiled lexical model file.
<lexical model>.kmp
The compiled lexical model package file.

Once you're done creating and testing your lexical model, you're ready to share the model with us.

Step 5: Submitting a GitHub Pull Request