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Step 1: Setup - One Time Only

Create a GitHub account and install Git

The Keyman repositories are stored on GitHub. If you don't already have one, you will need to create a GitHub account using your web browser.

Then, download and install Git onto your computer.

Fork the Lexical Models repository

From a web browser, log into GitHub and fork the Keyman lexical-models repository by visiting and clicking the Fork button on the top-right to create your own fork.

Create a local folder

From Explorer, create a parent folder to house your lexical model development. For this guide, I use


but you can use any folder.

Clone your fork of the lexical-models repository

Once you have installed Git, clone a local copy of the lexical-models repository onto your computer. Continuing from a command prompt, run the following steps:

cd /c/projects/
git clone<your-github-name>/lexical-models.git

When the clone is complete, your copy of the lexical-models repository will be on your computer at


Adding the remote to the upstream lexical models repository

From a command prompt, run the following:

cd /c/projects/lexical-models
git remote add upstream

Installing Node.js

Download and install Node.js which will be needed to compile the lexical model.

Now let's check Step 2 for all the things to do before starting work on a lexical model.

Step 2: Before Starting Work on a Lexical Model