Uninstalling Keyman
Uninstalling Keyman
We hope you will never need to uninstall Keyman! If you have had any problems with Keyman, please contact technical support at www.tavultesoft.com as we are always happy to help.
Uninstalling Keyman will remove all keyboards that have been installed. However, you will be given the option of removing or retaining any fonts that may have been installed with Keyman Keyboards. If you have any documents that use these fonts, you should choose not to uninstall the fonts, or your documents may become unreadable.
How to: Uninstall Keyman (Windows 2000 or Windows XP)
- Open the Add or Remove Programs applet from Control Panel or click here.
- From the list, select Tavultesoft Keyman, and click Change/Remove.
- Follow the prompts to uninstall Keyman.
How to: Uninstall Keyman (other versions of Windows)
- Open the Add or Remove Programs applet from Control Panel or click here.
- From the list, select Tavultesoft Keyman, and click Add/Remove.
- Follow the prompts to uninstall Keyman.
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