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How To - Fix Greek Medial Sigma Changing to Final Sigma Unexpectedly in MS Word


When typing Greek in Microsoft Word using any Polytonic Greek-script keyboard, entering a diacritic or breathing mark on a vowel after a Sigma immediately causes the Sigma to incorrectly change to a final Sigma. For instance, if you typed ησὴ you would get ηςὴ.


This is due to a bug with the Microsoft Word "AutoFormat As You Type" Ordinals setting.

In Microsoft Word 2003:

  1. In Word, click Tools menu, AutoCorrect Options…, and select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  2. Find the entry titled Ordinals (1st) with superscript and untick it.

  3. Click OK to save changes.

In Microsoft Word 2007:

  1. In Word, click the Office button (top left round button), and select Word Options at the bottom right of the menu that appears.

  2. Click Proofing and AutoCorrect Options.

  3. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  4. Find the check box titled Ordinals (1st) with superscript and untick it.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

In Microsoft Word 2010:

  1. In Word, click File, and select Options.

  2. Click Proofing and AutoCorrect Options.

  3. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

  4. Find the check box titled Ordinals (1st) with superscript and untick it.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

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