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Using the Keyman Desktop User Interface Editor to translate the Keyman Desktop User Interface

NOTE: This archived documentation has not been updated recently and may contain information that is no longer relevant

An unsupported tool is available to assist in editing the Keyman Desktop User Interface. This tool, the User Interface Editor, removes the complexity of editing the XML file by hand.


uieditor70.exe is no longer available for download.


A brief guide to using the editor:

  • Find the locale for your language code: Use the ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 language code (we recommend using the ISO 639-3 codes as many Keyman keyboards support languages not included in ISO 639-2!).

  • Use the entities (placeholders beginning with & and ending with ;) below to make the user interface consistent between different editions of Keyman Desktop:

    &Company; Name of company ('Tavultesoft')
    &ProductName; Name of product ('Keyman Desktop')
    &Edition; Edition of product ('Professional')
    &Version; Version number of product ('7.0')
    &EvaluationPeriod; Number of days in evaluation (informative only)
    &Name; Product Name ('Keyman Desktop')
    &Name_CNV; Company, Product Name, and Version ('Tavultesoft Keyman Desktop 7.0')
    &Name_CN; Company and Product Name ('Tavultesoft Keyman Desktop')
    &Name_NV; Product Name and Version ('Keyman Desktop 7.0')
  • First, edit the file's language information - SKUILanguageName, SKUILanguageNameWithEnglish, and SKLanguageCode:

    • The SKLanguageCode should be the same as the language code you chose earlier.
    • You will also see an String with id SKDefaultLanguageCode. For Keyman Desktop, this should remain "en" for all translations.
    • SKUILanguageNameWithEnglish should be something like "Français (French)".
    • SKUILanguageName should be just the name of the language: "Français".
  • You can test your user interface file by saving it to: C:\Program Files\Tavultesoft\Keyman Desktop Professional 7.0\locale\(your locale code)\locale.xml

  • When you have finished creating your locale file, save it, and send it to Tavultesoft for inclusion in the next update of Keyman Desktop.

Further Information

More information on the locale file format is available in Keyman Desktop Reference Documentation.

Applies to:

  • Keyman Desktop Light 7.0
  • Keyman Desktop Professional 7.0