KM0A001 |
FATAL_UnexpectedException |
This is an internal error; the message will vary |
KM0A003 |
ERROR_CannotCreateFolder |
This is an internal error; the message will vary |
KM0A004 |
ERROR_OutputPathAlreadyExists |
Output path <param> already exists, not overwriting |
KM0A005 |
ERROR_CannotWriteOutputFile |
This is an internal error; the message will vary |
KM0A006 |
WARN_ModelIdDoesNotFollowLexicalModelConventions |
The id <param> does not follow the recommended model id conventions. The id should be all lower case, include only alphanumeric characters and underscore (_), not start with a digit, and should have the structure <author>.<bcp47>.<uniq> |
KM0A007 |
ERROR_InvalidTarget |
The specified target platform '<param>' is not a valid target. |
KM0A008 |
ERROR_InvalidKeymanKeyboardId |
The specified keyboard id '<param>' contains characters that are not permitted for a .kmn keyboard id or filename. |
KM0A009 |
ERROR_InvalidLdmlKeyboardId |
The specified keyboard id '<param>' contains characters that are not permitted for an LDML .xml keyboard id or filename. |
KM0A00A |
ERROR_InvalidLexicalModelId |
The specified lexical model id '<param>' contains characters that are not permitted or does not match the required pattern of 'author.bcp47.uniq'. |