GeneratorOptions interface
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GeneratorOptions interface
Options for the Keyman Developer project generator
export interface GeneratorOptions extends CompilerBaseOptions
Extends: CompilerBaseOptions
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
author? | string | (Optional) name of the author of the keyboard | |
copyright? | string | (Optional) name of the copyright holder for the keyboard or lexical model (do not include (c) symbol or date) | |
description? | string | (Optional) description of the keyboard, Markdown permissible | |
id | string | identifier (basename) of the keyboard or model | |
keymanVersion? | string | (Optional) version of Keyman to reference in source files, defaults to KEYMAN_VERSION.VERSION | |
languageTags? | string[] | (Optional) array of bcp 47 tags which are supported by the keyboard or lexical model | |
name? | string | (Optional) descriptive name of the keyboard or lexical model | |
outPath | string | output path where project folder will be created | |
targets? | KeymanTargets.KeymanTarget[] | (Optional) supported platforms, only used in Keyman keyboard project generator | |
version? | string | (Optional) version of the keyboard or model, 1.0 default for Keyman keyboard, lexical model, 1.0.0 default for LDML keyboard |