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GeneratorOptions interface

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GeneratorOptions interface

Options for the Keyman Developer project generator


export interface GeneratorOptions extends CompilerBaseOptions 

Extends: CompilerBaseOptions


Property Modifiers Type Description
author? string (Optional) name of the author of the keyboard
copyright? string (Optional) name of the copyright holder for the keyboard or lexical model (do not include (c) symbol or date)
description? string (Optional) description of the keyboard, Markdown permissible
id string identifier (basename) of the keyboard or model
keymanVersion? string (Optional) version of Keyman to reference in source files, defaults to KEYMAN_VERSION.VERSION
languageTags? string[] (Optional) array of bcp 47 tags which are supported by the keyboard or lexical model
name? string (Optional) descriptive name of the keyboard or lexical model
outPath string output path where project folder will be created
targets? KeymanTargets.KeymanTarget[] (Optional) supported platforms, only used in Keyman keyboard project generator
version? string (Optional) version of the keyboard or model, 1.0 default for Keyman keyboard, lexical model, 1.0.0 default for LDML keyboard