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ModelInfoSources class

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ModelInfoSources class

Description of sources and metadata required to build a .model_info file


export declare class ModelInfoSources 


Property Modifiers Type Description
forPublishing boolean Return an error if project does not meet requirements of lexical-models repository
kmpFileName string The compiled package filename and relative path (.kmp)
kmpJsonData KmpJsonFile.KmpJsonFile The data from the .kps file, transformed to kmp.json
kpsFilename string The source package filename and relative path (.kps)
lastCommitDate? string (Optional) Last modification date for files in the project folder 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ'
model_id string The identifier for the model
modelFileName string The compiled model filename and relative path (.js)
sourcePath string The path in the keymanapp/lexical-models repo where this model may be found