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Sitelen Pona (Wakalito, UCSUR)

This is a keyboard for typing sitelen pona, a logographic writing system for the popular constructed language toki pona. This keyboard uses glyph components (radicals) to input sitelen pona logographs similarly to how they would be written by hand.

This keyboard is based on the Wakalito input method for iOS and Espanso by jan Likipi, kala pona Tonyu, and jan Tepo. However, there are several major differences. Unlike the original implementation, this keyboard outputs sitelen pona characters instead of toki pona words in Latin script. Additionally, the set of available punctuation and special characters is different, and several non-pu words which are supported by the original but which are not present in the UCSUR encoding are not supported.

The sitelen pona logographs produced by this keyboard use the UCSUR encoding. A sitelen pona font supporting this encoding is required for text to appear correctly. (The Keyman mobile app uses a font included in this package.)

Mobile Layout

In the Wakalito input method, logographs and other characters are entered using glyph components or radicals. In this implementation, sequences of radicals are shown inside 〚white square brackets〛 while being entered. When the space bar or enter key is pressed, the sequence of radicals will be converted to sitelen pona.


Desktop Layout

In the Wakalito input method, logographs and other characters are entered using glyph components or radicals. In this implementation, sequences of radicals are shown inside 〚white square brackets〛 while being entered. When the space bar or enter key is pressed, the sequence of radicals will be converted to sitelen pona.


Only the keys shown above (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, A, S, D, F, G) are used in the Wakalito input method. Other alphanumeric or symbol keys have no effect other than a warning beep.

Punctuation and Special Characters

The set of punctuation and special characters available in this implementation differs from the original implementation.

󱲆󱲇6Yideographic space
󱲜G、︁ideographic comma
󱲜󱲋G3。︁ideographic full stop
󱲜󱲜GGleft corner bracket
󱲜󱲜󱲋GG3right corner bracket
󱲆6start of cartouche
󱲇Yend of cartouche
󱲙󱲚󱲜W2Gstart of long pi
󱲙󱲚󱲋W23end of long pi
󱲚󱲃󱲜2RGstart of extension
󱲃󱲚󱲜R2Gstart of extension
󱲚󱲃󱲋2R3end of extension
󱲃󱲚󱲋R23end of extension
󱲚󱲂󱲜24Gstart of reverse extension
󱲂󱲚󱲜42Gstart of reverse extension
󱲚󱲂󱲋243end of reverse extension
󱲂󱲚󱲋423end of reverse extension
󱲇󱲆Y6zero-width joiner
󱲇󱲃󱲆YR6stacking joiner
󱲇󱲎󱲆YD6scaling joiner
󱲇󱲅󱲆YS6scaling joiner

Supported Words

Only words in UCSUR are supported. Words present in the original implementation but not encoded in UCSUR are not supported. Sequences marked with an asterisk (*) are not present in the original implementation.

󱲙󱲋󱲙󱲋W3W3󱤀󱤀󱤀a a a
󱲈󱲃󱲔ERT󱤄󱤧󱥔ale li pona *
󱲍󱲔FT󱦃epiku *
󱲔󱲍TF󱦃epiku *
󱲍󱲚󱲚F22󱦢majuna *
󱲚󱲍󱲚2F2󱦢majuna *
󱲚󱲚󱲍22F󱦢majuna *
󱲙󱲎󱲂WD4󱤴󱥡󱤂mi sona ala
󱲓󱲚󱲙52W󱦁soko *
󱲓󱲚󱲙󱲚52W2󱦁soko *
󱲓󱲚󱲚󱲙522W󱦁soko *
󱲈󱲍󱲔EFT󱥬‍󱥔toki pona *


This implementation supports the emoticons present in the original implementation, as well as additional emoticons marked with an asterisk (*) below.


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