Khmer (SIL) Keyboard Help
This keyboard is designed for any languages using the Khmer script. This keyboard is very similar to the Khmer ABS keyboard, but it is a Unicode keyboard.
The layouts below output all the characters in this keyboard. However, there are alternate methods to access the same keys with other keystrokes. Some of these are described below:
All "feet" are accessible through first typing ";" and then the letter for which the foot is desired.
Typing "b" followed by "a" or "A" automatically produces the "បា" and "បៅ" respectively.
The symbols of the moon calendar (᧠, ᧪...) can also be typed.
For computers: typing the numbers with ">" two times. For example:
Typing 0 + 8 + > and > will give the same symbol as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-`.
Typing 1 + 0 + > and > will give the same symbol as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-0.
Many of the alternate characters and a few vowels can be accessed by typing one or more commas (,) after the initial keystroke.
To get arabic numbers type first the Khmer number, then a comma. A further comma will result in a lesser used type of number in Khmer, a third comma will revert the symbol to the Khmer number.
Many of the symbols, vowels, independent vowels, and diacritics work this way. For example:
Start with \ , or type ឮ on mobile, produces "ឮ":
ឮ + , produces "ឭ"
ឭ + , produces "ឰ".
ឰ + , produces "ឮ".
Typing { , on mobile type ឪ, produces "ឪ":
ឪ + , produces "ឱ"
ឱ + , produces "ឳ".
ឳ + , produces "ឪ".
The same logic applies to ឥ or type "}": ឥ ឯ ឧ
ឥ + , produces "ឯ"
ឯ + , produces "ឧ".
ឧ + , produces "ឥ".
The same logic applies to ឬ or type "|": ឬ ឫ ឩ
ឬ + , produces "ឫ"
ឫ + , produces "ឩ".
ឩ + , produces "ឬ".
The same logic applies to Khmer Sign Avakrahasanya ៜ:
ៜ + , produces "ឨ".
ឨ + , produces "ៜ".
The same logic applies to ឲ្យ or type "[": ឲ្យ ឲ
ឲ្យ + , produces "ឲ"
On the keyboard, there is a ខ្ញុំ key that applies the same logic to get ឦ or type "]":
ខ្ញុំ + , produces "ឦ"
The same logic applies to ។ or type ">": ។ ៕ ៚ ៘
។ + , produces "៕"
៕ + , produces "៚".
៚ + , produces "៘".
៘ + , produces "។".
The same logic applies some vowels such as: ា េា ៃ
ា + , produces "ោ" (not the same as េ + ា)
ោ + , produces U+17B5 "◌឵".
◌឵ + , produces U+17B4 "◌឴".
◌ + , produces "឴ា".
េ + , produces "ៃ".
To output េាះ correctly, you must use it with a consonant. First choose a consonant to your liking then:
ា + , produces "ោ"
ះ + , produces "ោះ", if not it will produce as seperate vowels.
The same logic applies most of the diacritics such as: ័ ៍ ៏ ៌
័ + , produces " ៌".
឵ ៌឵ + , produces "័឴".
៍ + , produces "឴ ៏".
៏ + , produces "៍".
Typing "(" or ")" followed by one or more commas will give different kinds of braces "( [ { <".
Typing "/" followed by one or more commas will give different kinds of punctuation "\ . ,".
Typing single quote ' followed by one or more commas will output "◌ ៊ “ «", and typing double quote " followed by one or more commas will output "◌៊ “ «".
Other symbols such as: ៙ ៓ and more!
* + , produces " ៙".
឵៙ + , produces "*".
~ + , produces "឴ ៓".
៓ + , produces "~".
Experiment using commas with other keys to see what we haven't covered yet.