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Bunong ឞូន៝ង (SIL) Keyboard Help

Start Using Bunong ឞូន៝ង (SIL) Keyboard

This keyboard is designed for typing Bunong language using Khmer characters.

Khmer Mondulkiri font is included in the keyboard package. It will be installed and uninstalled along with the keyboard.

All vowels on the phone layout are highlighted to help you locate where the Bunong vowels are.

Look in the following table of Rotation (Rota) rules to see the character options/choices for each key:

RotationPhone/Tablet KeyComputer Key
ឹ > ឺW
េ > ែ > ៃ E
ុ > ូ > ួ U
ិ > ី I
ោ > ៅ O
ៀ > ឿ [
៖ > : ]
\ > / > |\\
" > ' "Shift '
« > " > '«`
» > " > '»Shift `
- > — --
( > [ > { (Shift 9
) > ] > } )Shift 0
។ > ៕ > ! > ? > ៗ .
ZWSP > ⎵ SpacebarSpacebar

Explanation of the final Rota rule: Press Spacebar once to mark the end of a word [invisible space (ZWSP)] and twice for a visible space.

Keyboard Layout




Keys with a little dot on the top right can be pressed and held for more keys. Note also these keys can be pressed on again and again to cycle through characters shown in the longpress. See the rota rules above.

Longpress state


(c) 2021 - 2022 SIL International

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