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Sanskrit Unicode Keyboard Help

This is a very simple keyboard as the majority of the Romanised Sanskrit/Pali characters are the same as our normal European letters.

The long vowels with bars above them, ie. à ã å â ä æ and the consonants with dots underneath, eg. ñ ó õ ë are all typed by pressing the deadkey / and then the ordinary letter. Thus ñ is written / followed by "t". This covers the great majority of extra characters. However there are just too many "n" characters for our keys, so in addition ¤ is written with deadkey ~ (on the British keyboard, | on the American, I believe) followed by n. There is still ï of course. This is written with deadkey * (star up above!) followed by n. The Sanskrit ù character is written like all the other characters with a dot underneath, and ÷ character is written with the ~ deadkey, like the ¤ character, both having similar diacritical marks over the letter.

Finally the rare characters (only used in Sanskrit) with double diacritical marks, é ê í î are written with deadkey _ followed by the appropriate character.

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