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Cree Syllabics Keyboard Help

Syllabics Installation

You have just completed the installation process for your Syllabics keyboard map and syllabics fonts.

To turn your Syllabics keyboard on and off, you should see a “K” icon in your System Tray (at the bottom-right of your screen). When you left-click this icon, a list of installed keyboards should appear, choose the name of your language and dialect to turn on the syllabics, and select No Keyman Keyboard to revert back to English.

If this “K” icon is not in your System Tray, you will need to turn the Keyman software on to type in Syllabics.

Thank-you for using this free Languagegeek product. If you have any installation problems or other questions, please contact Chris Harvey at [email protected].

A Syllabics font may have been installed automatically on your computer.

  • Aboriginal Sans

More syllabics fonts can be found at’s main font download page.

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