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Finongan Keyboard Help

Finongan keyboard based on US.

I usim kibod bilong US bilong wokim Finongan kibod.

Keyboard Layout

Ol Kibod

Desktop Keyboard Layout

Kibod Bilong Komputa

Mobile/Tablet Keyboard Layout

Kibod Bilong Mobail na Teblet

You will see that their is a larger [j q r v x z] key with a small dot at the top corner of the key. In order to encourage proper Finongan spelling,these non-Finongan letters do not work like Finongan letters. To insert a non-Finongan letter, hold the [j q r v x z] key and then slide your finger to the desired button from the pop-up letters.

There are other keys that also have a small dot on them. Press and hold on the key with a little dot on the top right to reveal and then choose other letters and punctuation.

Yu bai lukim wanpela bikpela ki i gat [jqrvxz] long en. Na tu yu bai lukim wanpela liklik mak is stap long kona antap bilong en. Ol dispela leta i no stap insait long Finongan alfabet. Sapos yu laik usim wanpela long dispela leta, yu mas presim na holim dispela ki na holim finga long skrin. Taim yu holim, ol dispela leta bai kamap. Movim finga bilong yu i go long leta yu gat laik long usim.

Na tu yu bai lukim sampela arapela ki i gat dispela mak long kona. Sapos yu wokim wankain, yu ken usim sampela arapela mak olsem ful stap, koma, o kwotesen mak.

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