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ITavultesoftKeyman Interface

interface ITavultesoftKeyman : IKeymanObject : IDispatch

The root interface for all access to the Keyman Engine COM API.

Interface Methods
Name Type Declaration
ObjectByIndex Method Function ObjectByIndex(Index As Long) As Object
Refresh Method Sub Refresh
Interface Properties
Name Type Declaration
Addins Property Get Property Get Addins As IKeymanAddinsInstalled
BackgroundRefresh Property Get/Let Property Get/Let BackgroundRefresh As Boolean
Control Property Get Property Get Control As IKeymanControl
Errors Property Get Property Get Errors As IKeymanErrors
Keyboards Property Get Property Get Keyboards As IKeymanKeyboardsInstalled
Languages Property Get Property Get Languages As IKeymanLanguages
Options Property Get Property Get Options As IKeymanOptions
Packages Property Get Property Get Packages As IKeymanPackagesInstalled
Products Property Get Property Get Products As IKeymanProducts
SystemInfo Property Get Property Get SystemInfo As IKeymanSystemInfo