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AnalyzeOskCharacterUse.analyze() method

Home > @keymanapp/kmc-analyze > AnalyzeOskCharacterUse > analyze

AnalyzeOskCharacterUse.analyze() method

Analyzes a single source file for Unicode character usage. Can parse .kmn, .kvks, .keyman-touch-layout file formats. Can be called multiple times to collect results from more than one file. Use AnalyzeOskCharacterUse.getStrings() to retrieve results.

Note: analyze() collects key cap data, so calling this for a .kmn file will retrieve the key caps from the .kvks and .keyman-touch-layout files that it references, rather than key cap data from the .kmn file itself.


analyze(file: string): Promise<boolean>;


Parameter Type Description
file string relative or absolute path to a Keyman source file



true if the file is successfully loaded and parsed